Karnak, 1935

For H.D.

Dear Sirs;
I write to you now afraid for my life.  I have succeeded
in unlocking the sapphire Eye of Horus, and in so doing,
fear I have driven him to divine wrath.  I came here seeking
nothing but truth, found millions in gems and silver,
but now wish nothing more than to complete my mission
and leave this place alive.  I have been impregnated by divine
fire.  A solitary falcon haunts my sky by day and by night.  The gash
it tore in my arm will not coagulate.  I cannot remember your faces,
dear sirs, only the timber of your voices as you questioned my
abilities and mocked my weakness.  Each night, dreaming returns
me to the temple, where I am dressed in white. The plains
flood and wild wheat grows in my belly.  The train from Luxor
whistles.  I wake and pray. Thursday, I was color blind for three
hours.  Please send me a new Victrola, mine will only play
my records backwards.

Forever yours,
Natasha Cohen




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