Bang Bang: Before

by Brook Reynolds

[ read the suite in correct order ]



Courtney pushed her cart down aisle after aisle as the loudspeakers blared the same old familiar mix of soft rock ballads. She forgot to make a list but still remembered what she needed for the upcoming week. Hitting the frozen food aisle, the items behind glass doors exploded to life as she triggered the motion sensors. Courtney loved the fake sense of magic she felt when pushed the cart faster, illuminating the entire frozen food section. She smiled from the rush as she came upon the next aisle of adult beverages. Courtney was going out with a few friends from work that evening and figured it wouldn’t hurt to have something cold waiting in the fridge if they decided to have a few before or even after a night out.

While perusing the beer aisle, a man approached her from the opposite direction. He was clad in jeans with an oversized hooded sweatshirt and a baseball cap pulled down, covering most of his face. Courtney paused. She faked interest in a particular craft beer to gain a better look at the mysterious stranger. As he walked by her, he acknowledged her with the slightest head nod and a smirk that spread across his chiseled jawline. Courtney felt the heat rise in her cheeks as she blushed. She grabbed two six-packs of the closest beer and hurried toward the cash register, embarrassed that he may catch her staring again.



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